Launching your own company is a lot of work and is extremely intimidating. If the question linger in your mind all day as you daydream of that possibility while sitting at your desk, maybe it is time to give it a try. Every business starts with an idea and the courage to run it through. Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you all it took to start their dream was a passion, a problem that needs solving and the right audience to benefit from it.
There is no drive more powerful than passion, and no one possesses more passion than an entrepreneur in the making. It is a blessing and a curse when your thoughts are always in motion which transpire to a passion. That drive, that passion is a vision that should be turn into a product or service for the rest of the world to enjoy. If your 9-5 job no longer excite you there is no better outlet than to get out of the daily rat race and pursue your dream.
Entrepreneurship trait is confident and dare I say egotistical, you always feel you can build a better company than the one you have worked for. An entrepreneur is an independent thinker, he is a problem solver. One can call you an opportunist because when you see an opportunity you will take it. When you feel a desire to help or facilitate the life of other, you are on the verge of entrepreneurship, all the strongest companies have that in common.
As a problem solver you will often experience that light bulb moment, that “aha” moment when you see that a certain group or a certain need is not being met. Use that moment to inspire. Do not let your creativity go to waste, somewhere out there, there are people who will value and who will benefit what you do. Find them, or better yet work your butt off so that they can find you. There is a market out there tailor for your talent and no one is capitalizing on it because it is yours. Talents recognize talents, there are friends, co-workers or total strangers you can bring together and help embrace their own gifts.
So why not you? Why not now? Are you bold enough to take charge of your destiny? I hope you’re ready, I am rooting for you
Vive la Vie