We all have those negative voices inside our heads, the ones that speak to us so vividly to drain our spirit or anger our thoughts. Maybe it is of people who may have hurt us, misfortunes that happened in our lives, even things we literally made up. When we fixate on those things we lose our spunk, our enthusiasm and joy disappear.
What is the purpose of holding on or constantly bringing hurtful past up? It makes us mistreat the wonderful people in our lives, and discredit the blessings that surround us. When you become conscious of that voice inside your head, no matter how right or wrong you may feel for feeling the way you do ignore it and choose the positive thoughts. Move away from the pity party and replace those negative energies with positive ones, like laughter, music and prayer. Don’t waste your time on negativity which adds no value to your life..live your life..vive la vie